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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Noodly Appendages @ 1:58 PM

Seriously just finished working out... I always work my arms last, which makes typing a scream. /sarcasm I feel very much akin to my lord and savior, though, my most holy and merciful Flying Spaghetti Monster. I THANK THEE FOR THY GIFT OF EPIC FLAIL ABILITIES.

Anyway, big pat on the back to myself today. I really, really, really did not want to work out. But I did, and I pwned it. I did jumpstyle first, like I always do, and got my heart rate good and pumped. Then went on to do my regular reps. This time I went on for about 25 minutes. Better than yesterday, and I added some crunches in and my abs are all like "WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN--." Take that you flabby bitches. This is revenge for years of body image issues!

So yeah, even though I only extended my time by five minutes, I managed to do way more in that time than I did at all yesterday. Unf.

My legs were PIIISSSSSSED at me this morning. I don't think I was stretching them enough. My arms have been fine, and in the past they were always the first to complain.

Need to find a good routine for working my butt, though. My cheeks are like "...dunno what those other guys are whining about, we feel nothing." WELL YOU'RE GOING TO.

About the jumpstyle... I've got those five steps DOWN. Moving on to round 2 of the video tutorial! :D

I smoked too many cigarettes today. I ate crappy food. lakdjflkjasdfjaldf.... Tomorrow's goal... no more than 3 cigarettes. As for food...well... I'm stuck with what's in the fridge til I get paid. Then it will be a strict diet of greens, low fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fruits, and oats. Want to try and eat meat only once a week.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Endurance is a Whore @ 1:18 PM

I just want so bad to already be at the point where I can work out for longer periods of time. This whole "pushing myself until I wish the ceiling would just collapse on my head" thing sucks. I guess I should give myself some credit, though. Not much, as I probably could have pushed myself a little further... but I didn't do too bad.

I stretched first (of course) and began with some jumpstyle cardio, which is always a good way to start any workout. Gets the heart rate up. Keeping it that way is a bit hard for me right now. Anyway, I'm still just on that same basic five-step set of kicks and jumps. Getting it down alright, but my balance still sucks. After that I some regular old exercise routines focusing on my butt, legs, and abs. I got up after that and did some reps with my five pound weights. My arms are in pitiful shape. I don't know how I'm stronger than most girls I know.

All that and I worked out for a whopping... 20 minutes! I have got to do better than that.

Last night I couldn't stop thinking about how cool it will be when I do some real jumpstyle moves. God, that'll be months away, but whatever. I was lying in bed and thinking about it until I couldn't lie still anymore. I put my shoes back on, threw on a coat (and a bra because...you know... that much jumping can be painful) and took my mp3 player outside and started practicing more on the porch. It was fun, but not a good idea. I tried to go back to sleep after that. WHY DID I THINK I COULD SLEEP AFTER THAT?

So I woke up at 11:30 AM... fml. I had three cups of coffee and five cigarettes in the span of two hours. Then I finally made myself something to eat... goddamn Thanksgiving leftovers (my Mom made a late Thanksgiving... goody). It was so good.... hot open-faced turkey sandwich on sourdough smothered in gravy... I ate it as a little voice was screaming in my head...


I need to go grocery shopping.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

@ 3:29 PM

I feel like if I just blog about my workout, maybe this time I won't quit before I really get started. This time will be different. I'm more determined (I think) and I'm doing something different. No more of these old, tired, and boring workout regiments. I will dance myself thin and impress everyone with the moves I will have taught myself. :D

I'm 27 years old, female, working as a server and going to school. I'm making this blog to prove to myself and to anyone who reads it that we are never too old, too worn, too hopeless to reshape our bodies, our minds, and master brand new things!

I'm also a smoker. I'll be counting how many cigarettes I smoke in a day and see if working out does anything to put a stop to it. :)

When I become more confident, I'll post videos of my jumpstyle routines. No way I'm doing that now. I just started today (well, last night but whatever). The videos from YouTube said to just keep practicing the basic beginner routines and they will become as natural as breathing air. I'm not quite that comfortable with it yet, but I will say that just one day's worth of practice went really well! I was almost falling over when I first tried it, and now I have a pretty good rhythm. Still working on my balance, though. It'll get better. :)

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to the future


You can call me Jane. I'm 27 years old and way out of shape. I smoke, I lay about, I just do not move enough. But when I see people dancing, I get this feeling like I could...nay, SHOULD be doing that. SO I started this blog to record my journey from being a lazy slob to a full-fledged jumpstylin' paragon of health and flexibility. That's all! Follow me and follow my lead! We can all change our lives alone, but it's easier when we're together!


Jumpstyle Tutorials
Patrick Jumpen
Jane's Playlist
Dance and Exercise


December 2011,

